Friday, March 19, 2010

Mother Nature is a real see you next Tuesday

It rained a lot last weekend. So much so that the ceiling in my living room was leaking pretty badly. In my first floor apartment. Yeah. Fuck.

Then on Sunday the completely saturated parts started to sag. In order to prevent further damage or the whole thing collapsing, I did what I had to do:

As much as I'd like to say I MacGyver'd this shit together, I'm a realist, and this is clearly some redneck engineering. I wanted to add "at its finest" to the prior sentence but this was the first configuration that eventually fell in a horrible crash while I was trying to adjust the space heater at the summit. The second configuration was knocked over by my asshole cat while I was in the shower. The third configuration still stands tall and proud.

Now most cosmopolitan young urbanites such as myself (look at those stylish window treatments!) would never stoop as low as to associate with anything redneck. I won't hide my roots, well not exactly roots. I wasn't brought up on some hog farm or anything like that, but I do have family members who love being country boys. And it would be safe to say they love all the things mentioned in the Zac Brown Band song about liking fried chicken and shit like that.


赖子 said...


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